Children's Rehabilitative Services

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Inpatient Admissions

Patients from Mississippi and surrounding states are admitted to Children's Rehabilitation Services (CRS) for either physical or medical rehabilitation. A physician, school, parent or other health care professional or agency can make referrals.

Diagnostic categories at the Children's Rehabilitation Services include, but are not limited to: trauma (traumatic brain injury, spinal cord or orthopedic injuries), cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele, developmental delay, and neuromuscular diseases.

An interdisciplinary group of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals treat each patient who comes to CRS. Pediatric hospitalists lead the inpatient rehab team of highly qualified specialists who work together to provide excellent care in a multidisciplinary setting. Pediatric specialists trained to care for the physically and developmentally challenged direct all care for the patients. They provide expertise in:

  • Medical and nursing care
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Education
  • Physical therapy
  • Recreation therapy/child life
  • Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Social work
  • Clinical psychology

Patients also have access to all the medical subspecialties offered by Children's of Mississippi.

Patients admitted for physical rehabilitation receive a minimum of fifteen hours of therapy per week. Patients must be able to tolerate and participate in a minimum of three hours of intervention per day in order to benefit from inpatient rehabilitation stay. This includes physical, occupational, speech therapies, child life and educational instruction.

While the center is not a long-term or residential facility, it offers intensive periods of therapy with referrals to local services and detailed instruction to families for the continuation of therapy programs outside the hospital setting.

The length of a stay depends on a patient's condition, the specific reason for admission and the progress toward therapeutic goals which are developed by the multidisciplinary team with collaboration of both the patient and the family. Staff conferences are conducted after the first week of treatment and evaluation. After the initial conference, all disciplines involved in caring for the patient meet every week to review progress and plan future treatment for the patient.

Upon discharge, patients and their families are given information related to home exercise activities, therapy and school recommendations, and referrals to outpatient services in their local community.

To refer a patient to the Children's Rehabilitation Services or to obtain information, contact Tara Husband, Assistant Director of Pediatric Rehabilitation Services, at (601) 984-2922.